What is Trichology? – The study of hair and scalp problems is called trichology. Pronounced “try-KOL-ogy” and performed by trichologists, mainly in Europe, South America and a few in the U.S., trichology is designed to help those who are suffering from hair and scalp problems like itching, oily, flaking dandruff, irritation, thinning, shedding, or hair loss. Trichologists are not M.D.’s so they cannot prescribe medications or diagnose disease. However, they can help doctors evaluate and screen for medical conditions. Certain trichologists are certified and can perform a scalp and hair health evaluation called “TricoTest” which looks at the scalp with various tools to measure hydration, sebum, pH, as well as with microscopic and macroscopic photography. Educational programs at HAIR.University like the Certified HairCoach Program helps hairdressers, cosmetologists and other para-medical professionals including nurses and medical assistants learn the basics of scalp analysis and the benefits of performing a scalp analysis or TricoTest. What is HairCheck? Learn more at www.HAIR.University
*Each individual's treatment and/or results may vary