Dave Asprey, the founder of Bulletproof and author of New York Times bestseller The Bulletproof Diet, is a Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who spent two decades and more than one million dollars to “hack” his own biology. Dave sits down with Dr. Alan Bauman to discuss “biohacking baldness” on his widely popular podcast Bulletproof Radio. Watch the full interview or listen to the audio below.
Podcast Interview Video
Podcast Interview Audio
Watch the Behind The Scenes Video of Dave Asprey’s Hair Transplant / Hair UPGRADE procedure and complete visit with Dr. Alan Bauman Bauman | Medical in Boca Raton.
*Each individual's treatment and/or results may vary
If you or someone you know has hair loss, hair thinning, baldness, or eyebrow / eyelash concerns, click to start either a long-distance virtual consultation OR an in-person, in-office consultation with Dr. Bauman. You can also Ask Dr. Bauman a Question or simply call Bauman Medical Group at +1-
- Listen to the whole podcast episode about biohacking baldness with Dave Asprey.
- Schedule an in-office or virtual hair loss consultation.