HomeNewsPRESS RELEASE: August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month

PRESS RELEASE: August is National Hair Loss Awareness Month

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Renowned Hair Restoration Physician Dr. Alan J. Bauman Remains Focused on Resuscitating Hair Health Amidst a Pandemic

August 6, 2020
Boca Raton, FL – As summer comes to a close and the world navigates a New Normal, National Hair Loss Awareness Month (NHLAM) holds even more relevance than it has in years past. While an estimated 80 million Americans (50M Men/ 30M Women) experience some level of hair loss, NHLAM transitions the focus on awareness, detection, prevention, and treatment to manage and reduce these disconcerting yet reversible statistics.

The medical community and media alike are currently exploring the correlation between COVID-19 and hair loss. There is no denying that the past several months have delivered unimaginable stressors and challenges. Excessive psychological and physiological stress including fever-related illnesses can trigger heavy shedding (telogen effluvium) and hair loss. Even those not physically infected with COVID can experience the detrimental effects of the Pandemic on their hair, scalp, and other organs. According to a recent study, more than a quarter of patients recovering from COVID-19 have reported hair loss as one of the lingering problems from the illness.
With an initial emphasis on at-home treatments, Internationally Recognized, ABHRS-Certified Hair Restoration Surgeon Dr. Alan J. Bauman reviews proper protocols to hold onto the hair you have and discusses options if and when you start to lose it. According to Dr. Bauman, “Awareness and early action are essential to improving the odds that your hair remains with you in the best condition possible for as long as possible, and also rebound from any health ‘insult.’ From in-office treatments to at-home options, Bauman Medical will always be focused on helping our patients achieve an improved quality of life by providing the most effective, state-of-the-art strategies for growing thicker, fuller, healthier hair.”


To adhere to the needs of a “safer at home” society Bauman Medical officially launched TeleHAIR™ www.telehair.net the ONLY premium virtual hair loss consultation and hair loss management platform founded and led by a board-certified Hair Restoration Physician. At-home treatment programs include prescription premium products to maximize results and minimize side-effects such as specially formulated non-greasy highly-rated Minoxidil Formula 82M, Formula 82F Topical Finasteride+Minoxidil, the powerful FDA-cleared TURBO LaserCap Low-Level Laser Therapy device for hair regrowth, bespoke Nutritional Supplements, DHT-Control hair care products and more.


If at home programs don’t suffice there are a plethora of in-office Regenerative Medicine treatments including PRP Platelet Rich Plasma with Extracellular Matrix, Stem Cell Stimulating Therapies, and PDOgro™ that can be provided at Dr. Bauman’s COVID-Protected Facility.


If hair follicles are irreversibly depleted, a transplant may be required. Today’s no-linear-scar, minimally-invasive FUE hair transplant surgery as well as VIP|FUE™ a groundbreaking, minimally invasive hair transplant procedure. VIP|FUE™ delivers all the hair restoration benefits of traditional FUE without any shaving or trimming of hair, with no dramatic change to your hairstyle, making it fully discreet.

To learn more about the link between COVID-19 and hair loss, scalp health, as well as at-home and in-office treatments and all else follicle related, please visit www.baumanmedical.com. For media interviews, please contact danna@canpublicity.com

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*Each individual's treatment and/or results may vary

If you or someone you know has hair loss, hair thinning, baldness, or eyebrow / eyelash concerns, click to start either a long-distance virtual consultation OR an in-person, in-office consultation with Dr. Bauman. You can also Ask Dr. Bauman a Question or simply call Bauman Medical Group  at +1-561-394-0024.

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