Eyebrow Transplant Procedure
The eyebrow transplant procedure can be used to restore living and growing follicles into the eyebrow area.
Eyebrow loss can occur in both men and women, and is most commonly due to injury, trauma, overplucking or aging. Under comfortable local anesthesia (using the FDA-appoved Ouchless Needle), scalp hair follicles are moved one-at-a-time into the eyebrow area*. Artistic planning and meticulous angulation of each hair is critical to the naturalness of the final result. After several days of healing, the eyebrow skin returns to normal and the transplanted follicles are dormant. Hair will begin to appear first as stubble, starting approximately 6-12 weeks later growing longer and more dense as the weeks go by. The final ‘result’ of an eyebrow transplant takes 8-10 months to grow in. The transplanted hairs will need to be routinely trimmed.
NEW: Eyebrow transplants by Dr. Alan Bauman can now be performed with the no-scalpel/no-stitch harvesting technique called NeoGraft FUE for quicker and more comfortable recovery.
Depending on the desired degree of coverage some patients typically require one or two procedures*.
Dr. Alan Bauman has performed eyebrow transplantation as a routine part of his full-time hair restoration practice.
For more information, please email Dr. Bauman directly at Email Dr. Bauman.
Case Study: Female with eyebrow loss and permanent makeup;
Before, 24-hours and 8-mos after eyebrow transplant procedure by Dr. Bauman
[High Resolution Eyebrow Transplant Photo — click here]
*Each individual's treatment and/or results may vary