Doctor Offers Real-World Opportunity To Local Teacher/Student
For Immediate Release
Contact: Peggy Martin
Boca Raton, FL, April 10, 2002 –
Dr. Alan Bauman’s hair restoration practice is growing. Yet he’s worried. As he plans for his future growth, he is concerned that local students will not have the skills to work with him. So he decided to do something about it.
On April 26, he will be hosting a teacher and a student to “shadow” him through the “Teacher to Work” program at his facility. The “Teacher to Work” program takes place during the week of April 22, and business people from Palm Beach County will be able to host teachers and guidance counselors from Palm Beach County.
“I’ll be hosting Barbara Alexandrow, a teacher at Lake Worth Community High School (and Director of the Medicine and Allied Health Professions Magnet Program), as well as Ashley Martin, a Boynton Beach sixth-grader from Woodlands Middle School, interested in the medical field,” states Dr. Bauman.
“Throughout the day the teacher will be able to identify any gaps in the curriculum needed to work in this field. The student will learn how science is applied to the medical field, and why it’s important to learn scientific concepts to use in the “real world.”
The program’s benefits to teachers and guidance counselors include the ability to add to curriculum to meet current skill-set needs, gain additional knowledge, make business contacts, and help students better understand how skills apply to jobs. The benefits to employers include developing relationships with educational institutions, leading to the inclusion of new skill sets into the curriculum, access to students for work-study programs and future career opportunities.
For more information on the “Teacher to Work” program call Susan Semon at the Palm Beach Business Development Board ( at 561-835-1008 x2015. To reach Alan J. Bauman, M.D., call him at 561-394-0024 or visit