Before & After Hairline, Temple & Frontal Restoration with FUE Hair Transplant in African-American Male Patient using SmartGraft by Dr. Alan Bauman
Above: Before & After Hairline, Temple & Frontal Restoration with FUE Hair Transplant in African-American Male Patient using SmartGraft by Dr. Alan Bauman
(Note: No linear scar left behind in the donor area–no stitches, no staples were used in the harvest)
If you or someone you know has hair loss, hair thinning, baldness, or eyebrow / eyelash concerns, click to start either a long-distance virtual consultation OR an in-person, in-office consultation with Dr. Bauman. You can also Ask Dr. Bauman a Question or simply call Bauman Medical Group at +1-
*Each individual's treatment and/or results may vary