Holistic Hair Restoration Options
Podcast: Discussion With Top Hair Restoration Physician, Dr. Alan Bauman, and Dr. Tony Youn – America’s Holistic Plastic Surgeon
Are you one of the more than 80 million Americans who suffers from hair loss? You may have noticed that your hair is thinning as you get older, and especially after menopause. Or maybe you have a parent who lost his or her hair and you’d like to prevent the same thing from happening to you? If this applies to you, then you’re in luck. You can prevent and reverse hair loss, and you don’t necessarily need hair transplant surgery to do it… you many want to consider holistic hair restoration options!
Hair Loss Questions?
Is there a “holistic” solution to hair loss and hair thinning? What are the best nutritional and nutraceutical supplements for hair loss? What are the more powerful, less greasy Rogaine/Minoxidil alternatives? How does laser therapy work to enhance hair growth at the level of the follicle? Does PRP Platelet Rich Plasma work for mild, moderate or extensive hair loss? How can we measure the results from a hair restoration regimen? If a hair transplant is needed, how do I determine if I’m a good candidate for FUE Follicular Unit Extraction with NeoGraft or ARTAS robotic system?
Listen or Watch the Podcast Here
Join me, Dr. Alan Bauman – #1 Top Hair Restoration Physician, because these questions and more are answered in this unique up-to-date podcast on hair loss and hair restoration, hosted by my good friend and colleague Dr. Anthony Youn.
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