Eyelash Transplant Patient, Jodi Hussey
featured in the Palm Beach Post
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Carolyn Susman
Jodi Hussey, 34, Boca RatonPhysician: Dr. Alan Bauman,
Bauman Medical Group, Boca RatonWhy she did it: “I always wanted long, thick, luscious lashes,” said Hussey. “If you have beautiful long lashes, your eyes stand out; it’s the focal point of your face.”As the manager and co-owner of I.A.N. Alexander in downtown Delray Beach, she had met Dr. Bauman as a client of her salon, and knew him for many years on a professional level. “He was getting his hair cut one night, and we were just talking, and it came up. My eyes lit up!”
She was undeterred even after learning that the lashes need to be trimmed regularly, like the hair on your head. “You have a hairdresser do them, like a man’s beard. I’ve had them about a month, and cut them twice.”
She said when they implant the hair follicle into your eyelid, “it feels strange, but there is no pain. I had 15 (implanted) on one side and 17 on the other. I can’t believe how thick they are! People are staring at my eyes.”
Read the full story at PalmBeachPost.com
For more information on eyelash transplants, visit www.eyelash-transplant.com
*Each individual's treatment and/or results may vary