At Bauman Medical Group, we specialize in treating men and women who are looking to enhance, maintain or restore their own living and growing hair.
In general, the vast majority of patients we treat are experiencing mild, moderate or severe hereditary hair loss (male or female pattern hair loss), which is the most common type of hair loss. If you are experiencing thinning or receding hair, we encourage you to browse our website and learn about what you can do to address your hair loss concerns.
Dr. Bauman is available to help you by designing a results-oriented treatment program. To start with an evaluation, CLICK HERE.
You can also email Dr. Bauman directly with your hair loss or hair restoration questions.Some Types of Male Pattern Female Pattern Plastic Surgery-Related Scars
Eyebrow Loss
Eyelash Loss
“Lately, I am noticing more scalp shining through…”
“I’m finding a lot of hair on my pillow…”
“I’m seeing my hairline recede slightly…”
“I’m seeing more hair than usual in the drain…”
For many of our patients—and, tens of millions of men and women—these signs are typically the first indicators of hair loss. It may surprise you to learn how frequently we also hear patients tell us, “I woke up one day with less hair” or “It just happened suddenly.”
In many cases, patients may observe a slow, but progressive thinning or receding of the hairline. Initially, they want to believe that the loss is not significant. Then, seemingly “overnight,” the amount of hair lost is too obvious to deny to oneself anymore. For others, initial changes in their hair volume and density are actually so gradual, that they may only be detectable with the help of a microscope. For these patients, their hair loss appears to be quite sudden because it does not become noticeable to the eye until the hair density dips below a definite threshold. For other patients, it might have been a photo, video or a mirror that showed the results of a progressive hair loss that they didn’t realize was occuring.
Understanding Your Hair Loss
For many years, researchers told us that hair loss resulted from the genetics inherited from the mother’s side of the family. Now, advances in medical science offer proof that “baldness” genes do not discriminate by the sex of the parent. In fact, the related genes are often passed down from both sides of the family tree. We also know that this inherited trait can appear to skip generations and even affect siblings differently.
What Causes Hair Loss? What can be done? Dr. Bauman was interviewed on NBC Miami to find out!