This post comes from a recent Newsletter from Dr. Bauman that you can subscribe to here.
Hello, it’s Dr. Bauman.
If there was a Bad Luck Hall of Fame, George Costanza, from the TV show Seinfeld, would be a first ballot pick.
His life is like a highlight reel of bad luck:
Once, having declared a summer the “Summer of George” he was immediately attacked by bees. He got fired from one job after the next. His love life was a disaster.
But believe it or not, my friend Spencer “Spex” Stevenson, who runs the popular website SpexHair, might have George Costanza beat in the bad luck department.
At least when it comes to hair.
You see, Spex — a world-renowned hair loss and hair transplant advisor, and patient advocate — has endured thirteen (yes, thirteen) hair transplant surgeries.
Sadly, the first surgery was a complete disaster. It left Spencer scarred, traumatized, and searching for hope.
From there he tried wigs, supplements, hair loss shampoos, natural therapies (some good; others horrendous), and a dozen more transplants on his long and winding journey back to hair health.
Fortunately, Spex did manage to journey back from that botched first hair transplant surgery.
And on that journey, Spex flew to Bauman Medical, toured our facility, and recorded videos about what we do.
At the link below, you’ll meet Spex and learn more about his incredible journey from going bald in his 20s to being a patient advocate (with a great head of hair!) today.
>> Meet Spex Stevenson: From Hair Loss Sufferer to Respected Hair Restoration Mentor (click to read)
As you’ll see in that article, Spex has devoted his career to providing honest and ethical advice and guidance to people suffering from hair loss.
So when Spex talks about hair, you know he’s talking from experience.
That’s why I’m honored to announce that I’ve been named as one of The Best Hair Transplant Doctors in the World Today by Spex and the prestigious men’s magazine Ape To Gentleman for the fourth consecutive year.
>> Go here to learn more about this award and what it means to me and my team, and for our patients (click to read)
Truth is, not all hair transplant surgeons are created equal.
Over the past few years, there’s been an explosion of activity in this field and questionable practitioners are, sadly, becoming more and more common.
I’m proud to receive this Best Hair Transplant Doctors in the World Today award, and I want to thank my amazing team here at Bauman Medical for helping me provide our patients with the Ultimate Hair Restoration Experience day in and day out.
If you’re considering hair treatment, I invite you to choose Bauman Medical.
Since 1997, my team and I have treated 30,000 patients and performed over 10,000 hair transplant surgeries.
We’ve been at forefront of leading edge hair restoration technologies like minimally-invasive FUE transplants, Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP), PDOgro™, and low-level laser therapy.
And as a doctor, nothing gives me more satisfaction than helping my patients — both men and women — restore their hair and confidence.
I’d love for us to meet and discuss how my team and I can help you too.
Your first step is booking a private, one-on-one consultation.
During this consultation, we’ll get to the root cause of your hair health problems, explore your goals, and create a customized plan for helping you get the thicker, healthier hair you deserve.
To get started tap or click the link below:
>> Go here to book your private 1-on-1 consultation
Or, call us at (561) 394-0024 to book your consultation by phone.
Alan J. Bauman, MD
Medical Director of Bauman Medical
P.S. And if you’re already a patient of Bauman Medical, we’re dedicated to helping you maintain your hair growth results.
Hair restoration is a journey. And we’re here to support you and walk with you every step of the way.
Give us a call to schedule your next follow-up visit, and thank you for putting your trust in us
If you or someone you know has hair loss, hair thinning, baldness, or eyebrow / eyelash concerns, click to start either a long-distance virtual consultation OR an in-person, in-office consultation with Dr. Bauman. You can also Ask Dr. Bauman a Question or simply call Bauman Medical Group at +1-
*Each individual's treatment and/or results may vary