This post comes from a recent Newsletter from Dr. Bauman that you can subscribe to here.
Touch your fingers to the front of your throat, just below your voice box.
About two inches below your fingers is your thyroid, a tiny butterfly shaped gland that has a HUGE impact on your health.
As you may know, your thyroid acts like a “master switch” that helps regulate your metabolism, muscle function, skin health, digestion, and more.
In fact, every cell in your body has receptors for thyroid hormone.
That’s why, when your thyroid is healthy it’s easy to look and feel your best.
But when your thyroid is struggling you feel and see it all over your body, including your hair.
There are two main types of thyroid dysfunction: hypothyroidism (where your thyroid is underactive) and hyperthyroidism (where your thyroid is overactive.)
Both types of thyroid dysfunction can cause something many of our patients refer to as “thyroid hair”.
Thyroid hair is a set of symptoms related to changes in quality, texture and shedding. These symptoms can include:
- Changes in hair texture (dry, coarse, and brittle hair is common)
- Dry, itchy scalp
- Diffuse sparse thinning throughout the entire scalp region
- Loss of eyebrows, eyelashes, or other body hair
If you have any of these symptoms, you’re not alone.
According to the American Thyroid Association, nearly 30 million Americans have been diagnosed with a thyroid disorder.
You’re at especially high risk as a woman. Studies suggest women are eight times more likely to have thyroid dysfunction than men!
If you have a history of thyroid health issues, or if you’re worried poor thyroid function may be behind your hair thinning or hair loss, what can you do?
Your first step should be booking a private 1-on-1 evaluation here at Bauman Medical.
For most people, hair loss (even a little hair loss) is like an emotional gut punch.
You may feel upset, out-of-control, or confused.
You may wonder, “Why am I losing my hair? What’s going on?”
And you definitely want to know exactly what you can do to save the hair you still have and regrow the hair you’ve lost.
Your 1-on-1 evaluation will give you the clarity and answers you’re looking for.
During your evaluation (available both in-person and online), we’ll discuss your hair loss challenges.
We’ll discuss risk factors, your lifestyle, your medical history and more. We may recommend blood work or other lab tests.
We’ll “get to the root” of your hair loss and establish a diagnosis.
If we suspect thyroid imbalance in a patient, we’ll start by assessing thyroid function, root causes and genetic risks, by gathering a detailed medical history while also evaluating hair quality, texture, density, shedding for diagnostic and monitoring purposes.
We may also recommend bloodwork if you haven’t had thyroid levels tested recently.
If you’re in the office, we’ll measure your hair in multiple areas across the scalp.
We’ll look at “Before and After” pictures of Bauman Medical patients with hair loss patterns and diagnoses like yours.
We’ll look at all the treatment options available to you. Everything from in-office and at-home non-invasive treatments to hair transplantation — including treatment options available only at Bauman Medical.
And we’ll create a personalized treatment plan based on your needs and goals.
The good news is, when we identify thyroid imbalance and are able to help treat it, not only does the hair improve but so does quality of life.
Scheduling your evaluation is quick and easy.
Simply tap or click this link:
>> Go here to schedule your evaluation now (available in-person or online)
Or, call us at 561-394-0024 with questions or to schedule by phone.
My team and I are standing by to help you.
Dr. Alan Bauman, MD, ABHRS, FISHRS
Diplomate, American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery
Fellow, International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
(561) 394-0024 – Work
If you or someone you know has hair loss, hair thinning, baldness, or eyebrow / eyelash concerns, click to start either a long-distance virtual consultation OR an in-person, in-office consultation with Dr. Bauman. You can also Ask Dr. Bauman a Question or simply call Bauman Medical Group at +1-
*Each individual's treatment and/or results may vary
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