Bauman Medical Video Player
Eyelash Transplant on NBC’s TODAY Show
Dr. Bauman’s eyelash transplant procedure was filmed for NBC’s TODAY Show and is due to air near the end of February 2007. Check back here for more information. Click on the photo gallery above to see the ‘behind the scenes’ photos of cancer survivor and eyelash tranasplant patient, Veronica Garner before, during and after her procedure.
Eyelash Transplants on EXTRA
Dr. Bauman’s Eyelash Transplant Procedure was featured on the television show EXTRA. Read the STORY, watch the VIDEO. For more info on eyelash transplants, visit[su_youtube url=””] <>[/su_youtube]
Eyelash Transplant: Access Hollywood
Fashion and entertainment news-program “Access Hollywood” featured Dr. Bauman and his Eyelash Transplantation techniques in a segment called Makeover Nation. “Eyelash transplantation may help those with missing, short, thin or sparse lashes,” said Dr. Bauman.
Eyelash Transplants on Good Morning America
When ABC’s Good Morning America wanted information on Eyelash Transplantation, they came to watch Dr. Alan J. Bauman, a hair transplant surgeon from Boca Raton, Florida who routinely performs the procedure. They filmed Dr. Bauman’s procedure, performed at the first Eyelash Surgery Workshop held this past October which was sponsored by the Dr. Bauman performed the procedure for patient Aleve Loh, who had always wanted longer, thicker lashes. Watch the video from ABC News by clicking on the photos.
Eyelash Transplants on CNN
VIDEO: Watch the Eyelash Transplant story on CNN Headline Prime
FEMALE HAIR LOSS — Video from BayNews9 (a CNN Affiliate)
Hair Loss Video” width=”230″ height=”155″ align=”left” border=”0″ hspace=”3″ />Tampa Bay/BayNews9–Melissa Eichman, reporting: “Forty million American women suffer from hair loss. Women losing their hair say it’s a traumatic experience and they will try just about anything to cover their bald spots. Hair loss patient Janet Cooper is trying laser therapy. The treatments are designed to slow, stop and possibly reverse hair loss. Dr. Alan Bauman with Bauman Medical Group in Baca Raton, Fla., says the therapy can be used alone or in combination with other hair loss treatments. Sixty-year-old Joan Denton says she started losing her hair in her twenties and got a hair transplant more than a year ago. Dr. Alan Bauman specializes in advanced hair restoration techniques for women and men that allow the patient to regrow their own hair. Denton and Cooper say it’s tough losing their hair in a society where they feel it’s not acceptable for women to be bald.”++ VIEW VIDEO ++
MALE HAIR LOSS/HAIR TRANSPLANT — Video from BayNews9 (a CNN affiliate)
Tampa Bay/BayNews9–Dr. Steven Seltzer, health reporter reporting: “August is National VIEW VIDEO ++
NEW VIDEO: “Anchorman” Jim Abath’s hair transplant
NEW VIDEO: Jim’s Hair Transplant Results VIDEO: Jim’s Hair Transplant Procedure (hour-by-hour) VIDEO: While visiting Chicago, lecturing at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Conference, Dr. Bauman met with ABC news anchor, Sylvia Perez, to discuss options for men and women experiencing thinning or receding hair. Topics included International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery) as well as undetectable hair transplant procedures for men and women, low level laser therapy (Erchonia-THL1), the Folliscope (video-microscopic evaluations of the scalp) and other procedures and treatments. A small clip of the video is available below.Dr. Bauman on ABC-7 WLS Chicago
Video Archive & Transcripts
VIDEO TIP: To watch these videos you may need to adjust your pop-up blocker settings to allow pop-ups on this website.
Video Profile Meet Dr. Bauman
Video Profile Paul’s Journey
Video Profile Karen’s Story
Fox News 25 Baldness Predictor
CBS News 12 Medical News Women’s Hair Loss Detection and Treatment
CBS 4 A Cure for Baldness?
Newschannel 5 Medical Break-throughs: Treating Dr. Sean’s EYELASH TRANSPLANT VIDEO As seen on WFOR Miami with Dr. Sean click here
Dr. Costarelis Follicular Neogenesis
Dr. Costarelis Follicular Neogenesis
NeoGraft Hair Transplant on ABC Los Angeles
Watch Live Hair Transplant Surgery July 11th!
Watch live streaming video from hairtransplantnow at livestream.comWATCH LIVE: July 11th 7am-5pm EDT (GMT 11:00-21:00)