HomeNewsVIDEO: Nalts Meets ARTAS The Hair Transplant Robot

VIDEO: Nalts Meets ARTAS The Hair Transplant Robot

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VIDEO: Nalts Meets ARTAS The Hair Transplant Robot

“Does an ARTAS Hair Transplant Hurt?”

…was the most commonly asked question on social media.


LIVE on Facebook: YouTube Celeb Kevin “Nalts” Nalty Meets Dr. Alan Bauman’s ARTAS Hair Transplant Robot!

Follow Kevin “Nalts” Nalty, step-by-step, as he undergoes an ARTAS Robotic-Assisted FUE Hair Transplant with top surgeon, Dr. Alan J. Bauman, M.D., A.B.H.R.S.   The day starts with a laser therapy treatment, antiseptic scalp wash and a trim of the Donor Area.  Photos are taken and the artistic plan is created by Dr. Bauman before the local anesthetic is applied using the “Ouchless” method and the Recipient Sites are carefully made between the previously transplanted hair.  PRP w/ ECM for Hair Regrowth is injected into the areas where Kevin’s non-transplanted hair is weakening.

Next, Kevin meets ARTAS the robot who will assist Dr. Bauman and his team in the FUE harvesting of the donor follicles.  Graft are painlessly extracted from the Donor Area with the help of ARTAS’ micron-level precision.

Prior to implantation, a detailed examination, counting and sorting of each and every graft that is removed from the scalp is performed inside the ARTAS robotic operation room at the Quality Control station.

Graft placement occurs with the help of Dr. Bauman’s surgical team who has extensive experience in the proper handling and implantation of the graft into the sites that Dr. Bauman has previously created earlier that day. A light bandage is applied to the scalp overnight to protect the transplanted areas.

The next morning, during the 24-hour Post-Op appointment, the bandage is removed and grafted areas are cleaned and inspected to make sure all transplanted follicles are intact. All of the instructions for a quick healing phase are given.

Watch all of the steps of Kevin’s hair transplant journey w/ Dr. Bauman by watching the videos from top to bottom starting here:

Welcome to Bauman Medical (Kevin's ARTAS Hair Transplant Pre-Op):

Robotic Antiseptic Scalp Wash

Donor Trim Prior To ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant:

Pre-Op Photos and Procedure Planning:

Ouchless Local Anesthesia and Artistic Recipient Site Creation:

ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant Extraction of Follicular Units:

ARTAS Robotic-Assisted Hair Transplant - Graft Inspection & Quality Control:

Graft Placement During ARTAS Hair Transplantation:


The Next Day (24hrs Post-Op/Bandage Removal) ARTAS Hair Transplant:

Visit “Nalts Meets ARTAS Hair Transplant” event on Facebook and LIKE Bauman Medical Hair Transplant & long-distance virtual consultation OR an in-person, in-office consultation with Dr. Bauman. You can also Ask Dr. Bauman a Question or simply call Bauman Medical Group  at +1-561-394-0024.


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