HomeFor Dr. Alan J. Bauman the incident between Chris Rock and Will Smith at last year’s Oscars is an opportunity to educate people about Alopecia

For Dr. Alan J. Bauman the incident between Chris Rock and Will Smith at last year’s Oscars is an opportunity to educate people about Alopecia

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For Dr. Alan J. Bauman The Incident Between Chris Rock And Will Smith At Last Year’s Oscars Is An Opportunity To Educate People About Alopecia - -

Excerpts from Dr. Bauman’s personal message to Oscar Nominee Gift Bag Recipients

Alopecia Treatment Options are available.

The Academy Awards should be remembered for the Nominees, Oscar Winners, and the role film plays in shaping American culture.

Instead, last year’s event is being remembered for an unfortunate and embarrassing incident.

I don’t think there’s anything funny about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock. Violence like that is unacceptable. And it’s safe to say the “slap” marred an otherwise enjoyable event. But, it’s also an opportunity to shed light on alopecia, which is the general term for hair loss.

Did you know hair loss affects nearly 80 million people in the U.S.? Some accept it, even embrace it, but for the millions of people who don’t want to be bald or have thinning or receding hair, hair loss can be a nightmare.

Like it or not, we’re often judged by how we look. And the truth is, hair loss can negatively impact your work, relationships, and self-confidence.

In Hollywood, a great head of hair can mean the difference between starring in a sexy romantic comedy… or ending up an extra in a b-level horror flick.

Fortunately, hair loss can be slowed. Even better, there are more effective alopecia treatment, medical therapies and procedures available today to effectively treat hair loss than ever before.

I can tell you from decades of experience treating over 33,000 patients that you can absolutely enhance, protect, and restore the look and health of your hair.

So this year, my team and I have done something special: we’re providing “Everyone Wins Hair” Gift Bags to this year’s OSCARS Nominees.

Nominees in categories including Best Actor & Actress, Best Supporting Actor & Actress, as well as Best Director and host, Jimmy Kimmel will all receive a Hair Health Gift Bag from Bauman Medical.

Over the years, my team and I have worked with A-list actors, professional athletes, high-profile CEOs, and politicians. We know how important discretion is to our patients. And as a Bauman Medical patient, you can trust that your alopecia treatment will be handled with the utmost care and discretion.

Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS
Board Certified Hair Restoration Physician
Voted #1 Top Hair Restoration Surgeon

Alopecia Treatment

The “Everyone Wins Hair Gift Bag” contains a comprehensive array of hair restoration tools to combat hair loss and grow hair thicker, stronger, and healthier hair utilizing BaumanMD hair supplements, Dr. Alan J. Bauman’s In-Shower Trichology System for haircare, as well as PRP with PDOgro, Dr. Bauman’s proprietary hair restoration treatment, and more. Each gift bag also includes a complimentary private one-on-one hair restoration consultation with Dr. Bauman.

In this video, see Dr. Bauman’s personal message to Gift Bag recipients where he takes them behind-the-scenes at Bauman Medical to show how his 12,000 square foot “Hair Hospital” has become the top choice for A-List actors, politicians, CEOs, and high-profile individuals for their hair restoration needs.

Bauman Medical Gift Bags featured in the Media

See this segment on TodayAustralia featuring the Bauman Medical Gift Bag

Read these Press articles that feature the Bauman Medical Gift Bag

The Root
We Got This Covered
Irish Mirror

Read our National Pres Release on PRNewswire

If you or someone you know has hair loss, hair thinning, baldness, or eyebrow / eyelash concerns, click to start either a long-distance virtual consultation OR an in-person, in-office consultation with Dr. Bauman. You can also Ask Dr. Bauman a Question or simply call Bauman Medical Group  at +1-561-394-0024.

*Each individual's treatment and/or results may vary


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Disclaimer: *All patient or client images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual diagnoses, medical conditions, goals and results. Every individual case is unique therefore, results may vary from person to person. All testimonials are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients without monetary compensation and all photos and videos have been consented to for public release and have not been altered in any way. The content contained herein is for education only and should not be considered medical advice. Medical advice may only be given through a one-on-one, private consultation with a physician.

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