HomeNews20 People Needed For Free Hair Restoration

20 People Needed For Free Hair Restoration

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This post comes from a recent Newsletter from Dr. Bauman that you can subscribe to here.

Hi, It’s Dr. Bauman.

Please read every word of this brief email carefully.

Because I have an exciting, very exclusive opportunity to share with you.

This is an opportunity for you to be one of a handful of patients who get to try a breakthrough hair restoration treatment here at Bauman Medical — at absolutely no cost.

Let me explain.

For over 25 years, I’ve been dedicated to moving the science of hair restoration forward, which means always being at the forefront of leading-edge treatments, protocols, and products.

Recently, some of the most thrilling developments in regenerative medicine have been happening with exosome therapy.

As you may know, exosomes are microscopic nano-sized “cellular packets” loaded with growth factors, proteins, microRNA, and more.

These exosomes are tiny but powerful.

And while exosome therapy is still relatively unknown to the general public, celebrities like Kourtney Kardashian and Sofia Vegara are already using it to rejuvenate and beautify their skin.

Over the past year, I’ve been using non-invasive topical exosome therapy to help some of our patients regrow their hair.

The results so far with this small group of patients has been phenomenal!

Which brings me back to the opportunity I mentioned earlier.

I’m looking for 20 patients to join us here at Bauman Medical for a pioneering hair growth clinical trial using exosome therapy.

You can find all the details about this clinical trial on this private page.

This is an outpatient, 100% non-invasive clinical trial.

It starts next Tuesday, June 18th at our medical clinic in Boca Raton, Florida, and you’ll need to visit the clinic 3 times over the next 6 months for the study.

This is a truly exclusive opportunity, too.

It’s not open to the public.

It’s only open to our patients and people like you who are connected to the practice.

But with only 20 spots available…

And because you’ll be receiving leading-edge hair restoration treatments at no cost…

I expect this clinical trial to be booked solid by the end of the day tomorrow (if not sooner).

The reason we’re doing this clinical trial is because we want to show how exposome therapy for hair restoration can work for both men and women, with a wide range of existing hair health issues, and varying hair health goals.

It’s part of Bauman Medical’s enduring mission to continuously move the art and science of hair restoration forward.

If you’d like to join us on a journey to unlock your hair’s full potential, go here to enroll for this clinical trial.

Or, call us at 561-394-0024 with questions or to enroll by phone.

Dr. Alan Bauman, MD, ABHRS, FISHRS
Diplomate, American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery
Fellow, International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery
(561) 394-0024 – Work

If you or someone you know has hair loss, hair thinning, baldness, or eyebrow / eyelash concerns, click to start either a long-distance virtual consultation OR an in-person, in-office consultation with Dr. Bauman. You can also Ask Dr. Bauman a Question or simply call Bauman Medical Group  at +1-561-394-0024.

*Each individual's treatment and/or results may vary

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Disclaimer: *All patient or client images, videos and testimonials are based on the personal experiences of our patients and represent individual diagnoses, medical conditions, goals and results. Every individual case is unique therefore, results may vary from person to person. All testimonials are provided voluntarily by our patients and clients without monetary compensation and all photos and videos have been consented to for public release and have not been altered in any way. The content contained herein is for education only and should not be considered medical advice. Medical advice may only be given through a one-on-one, private consultation with a physician.

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